Store now open:
Wednesday 10-1
Thursday 10-4
Friday 10-4
Saturday 10-3

If it can't be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled

We partner with other nonprofit organizations.

Our Store

Rochester Greenovation helps people in Rochester NY keep things out of the landfill by running a second-hand store where you can donate items others can use, and where people can buy things at a reasonable price. We have items you need for every-day living: furniture, clothes, tools, plates & glasses, pots & pans, children’s stuff, and lots more.

Greenovation is also a treasure trove of unique finds, crafts, gear, costumes, antiques, building materials, and more. Come and explore in person or see the kinds of things we sell.

Drop off your old glasses for reuse.

Our mission: Help people in Rochester reuse things and keep them out of the landfill.

Our second-hand store is at 22 Flint Street, which is across the river from the University of Rochester in the Plymouth-Exchange PLEX neighborhood — a quick walk, bike ride, bus, or drive from downtown, the South Wedge, Corn Hill, and the 19th Ward.


Upcycling means to take something used and change it to make something new and exciting. See our new section of ideas.